The image above is the first version of my magazine's front cover I created. However, there are easily a lot of problems with it. The first noticeable one being that the bottom banner is more prominent than the masthead which should be the first thing a viewer see's. The next problem with my front cover is the actual image itself. The main focus should be Chiles but the shot is too far away from her. Also the background of the image doesn't feel country enough as you can see it is just a back garden.
How do I plan to edit this out?
Well, I was thinking of maybe changing my mastheads main font because I don't think it stands out enough. I'd rather it have the black stroke around it like all the other texts does as then I believe it will stand out. Also, I'll make the banner smaller and edit out the stroke around the text so it's not as bold but is still eye catching. To sort out my problem with the image I'm going to take a new one without the background. The reason I'm doing this is so I can cut out Chiles and have the shot focusing on her and her lost state. Then with this I'll take off the stroke around the coverline text as I my coverlines will be readable without it.
The image below is with the changes I spoke about above, hwoever, I didn't change my masthead as I wanted to see what it looked like if I kept it.
The image above is the third version of my magazine with all of my edits and extra ones that I didn't like on my second. I changed my masthead to one with the same type of idea, although not as clearly seen but it is clearer to read and noticeable on my front cover.
However, I made a few minor changes to it. I made my puff smaller as I think it takes too much room up and I used my banner to advertise something that is more likely to gain the readers attention. Below is what it came out like:
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